It is very important how individuals dress when looking for employment. Quite often there is an on the spot interview. Or you hear about an opportunity while you are job hunting. It is just common good sense to put every effort in how you dress before you leave home. In many cases individuals have never been taught what not to wear. We teach individuals the 9 to 5 rule for dressing. If you want the job you must let the employer see how you will dress at the interview to indicate how you will dress at their company.
For the job seeker or returning citizen (ex-offender) every effort should be made not to remind the employer you have been in prison by your dress attire.
We teach the no stripes rule, we teach the no jeans rule, the no all dark colors rule, the no club rule, and the employer won’t accept just anything rule. Most important the employer won’t accept the it’s about me rule. How you dress plays a key role in putting your past mistakes behind you to get the interview and the job.
Minister H.K. Zarif can show you how to "dress for success" to get the winning job.
Contact him for more information on how to change your look today!